Writing Instruments

Writing Instruments

Did you know we touch the lives of thousands of people across the length and breadth of the country? Are you aware of the fact that behind countless writing instruments, there is a solid contribution of Ankom Enterprises for the manufacturing of injection molds and automation systems?

At Ankom, we are proud to design, manufacture, and supply top-quality injection molds that have redefined the writing instrument industry in a big way. Depending on your requirements, we can design and produce injection molds for pens. It is our specialty to produce large volumes of pen molds with a quick turnaround. When you contact us with your requirements, be rest assured that all injection molds are manufactured using industry standards and subjected to rigorous tests and trials. Core inserts, ball pen injection molds, slide inserts, gate inserts, cavity inserts, etc can be interchanged at any time should a need for a replacement arise.

Feel free to contact us for detailed quotes on a variety of injection molds. We have the infrastructure and experience to produce plastic molds for all kinds of writing instruments.